When it comes to “breaking the ice” at a private event there is nothing like a bit of temptation to get people talking. why not add the thrill of a Tattoo, real or otherwise? There is nothing like a little bit of fear to get you remembered.
Tattooing is widely accepted in today’s society. The tattoo creates a sense of intrigue, magic and suspense. It is universal, found the world over and one of the oldest professions known to man.
There are very few who walk amongst us who have not considered marking their own body with a tattoo. Some who walk amongst us would surprise us all due to the amount of their tattoos. Everyone has an opinion, good or bad it matters not. Tattoos are thought provoking, tattoos spark conversations.
Do tattoos hurt? Yes they do and thats what generates the fear and the intrigue. Would you like to frighten your guests and friends but in a good way?
Putting the temptation of a real tattoo in the way of your invited guests, will get you remembered.
You will create a “buzz” like you have never known before. Luckily, I can supply the studio and the artist. Unfortunately usual rules apply: No under 18’s, alcohol or drugs, I have the right to refuse etc…..

Alternatively are you and some friends considering all getting tattooed at the same time? Then why not book the Isle of Man’s Premier mobile Tattoo Studio? Turn your own home into the waiting room and take the angst out of the occasion.
Meeting up with a few friends in the middle of town and all getting tattooed could not be easier, or cheaper, right?
Why not turn your own home into the waiting room? All meet up in one location where I can supply the tattoo studio and wait in comfortable surroundings before your turn in the chair comes around ? You don’t have to go big, small tattoos and first timers are more than welcome.
Don’t worry about licensing and other legalities. That is all part of the service. Our facilities are such that a license is a formality. And we have you covered with extensive public liability and treatment insurance.